A.M. Pashkevich, Zh.A. Rupasova, A.I. Tchaikovsky, V.G. Shatravko, V.S. Zadalia, K.A. Dobryanskaya
As a result of the study of the genotypic features of the bioflavonoid complex of microgreens of 10 varieties of vegetable peas – Slodych, Pavlusha, Belorussky vegetable, Prelada, Feya, Prometheus, Voronezh green, Radovan, Tornado and Kuyaviak, the following ranges of variation in the taxonomic range of the content of bioflavonoids are indicated – 4499.0–5951.8 mg / 100 g, including anthocyanin pigments – 566.7–857.8 mg / 100 g, of which anthocyanins proper – 366.0–608.0 mg / 100 g, leukoanthocyanins – 92.7–298.6 mg/100 g; peas. It is shown that the variety Prelado is the most promising for the large-scale production of microgreens with a high content of bioflavonoids, while the least promising varieties are Feya, Prometheus and Radovan.
Keywords: Microgreens, vegetable peas, varieties, biofl avonoids, anthocyanin pigments, catechins, flavonols.
DOI: 10.25791/esip.3.2023.1357
Pp. 14-20. |